Artists Information

Javier Benitez Pinzón’s humorous works look at how the nature of virtual space is presented, and examine the relationship of individual and society. The works on display at Delicious Artspace are small, furnished wooden boxes. The miniature sitting rooms evoke the furnishings of the 1970s, and captivate with their colourful, cheery decoration. In his works, Benitez Pinzón continues a tradition that echoes Duchamp’s strategy of reconceptualising space – in this case, the spatialisation of the box.

Javier Benitez Pinzón, born in Cadiz (Spain) in 1973, is an installation and video artist. He studied Audiovisual Arts at Madrid University from 1995 to 2000, attended the Kunsthochschule in Kassel from 1998 to 2000 as an Erasmus scholar, and was a master’s student under Professor Maria Vedder at the Universität der Künste, Berlin. He has lived and worked in Berlin since 2000.

Selected workSelected workSelected work
Selected work
Javier Benitez Pinzón - Object weiter
Object (2000)
Mixed media (detail)
Selected work
Javier Benitez Pinzón - Object weiter
Object (2000)
Mixed media (detail)
Selected work
Javier Benitez Pinzón - Object weiter
Object (2000)
Mixed media (detail)